25 Years Of Record-Breaking Verdicts and
Settlements for our Clients in Brain Damage Cases
$3 M +
Baby Brain Injury
Heart Rate drop
during Surgery
$2.5 Million
Jury Verdict
Failure to Treat Despite Change in Condition
Against Major Medical Center
$10 Million
Jury Verdict
Fatal Brain Damage
Largest Medical Malpractice
Jury verdict in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania history
$3 M +
Cerebral Palsy
Failure to Deliver
Baby in Time/
Oxygen Deprivation
$3 M +
Cerebral Palsy
Failure to Deliver
Baby in Time /
Oxygen Deprivation
$2.5 Million
Jury Verdict
Baby Brain Injury
Delay in delivery /
Compressed Umbilical Cord
About Us
What Our Clients Say
“…the case eventually went to trial and on May 23, 2008, the jury returned a verdict of $2,500,000 against UPMC Shadyside. The jury also took the unique act of writing a statement blaming Mike’s death on the lack of training and supervision of nurses at UPMC Shadyside. Throughout the process what impressed me …was their accessibility and willingness to clearly explain things…to investigate to find out what really happened and, if malpractice did occur, they will aggressively work to ensure that those responsible are made accountable for their actions.” – Erik Rettger, Pgh, PA

Paul Lagnese

Joshua L. Berger

David Paul
Practice Areas
- Cerebral Palsy
- Erb’s Palsy
- Fetal Distress
- Forceps Injuries
- Birth Asphyxia
- Lack of Oxygen to Baby’s Brain
- Obstetrical Malpractice
- Perinatal Asphyxia
- Shoulder Dystocia/Collarbone
- Fracture
- Uterine Rupture

- HEi-Oxygen Deprivation
- Meconium Aspiration
- Bacterial Meningitis/GBS Positive
- Stillborn/Death
- Spinal Cord Injuries
- Injury to Mother
- Placenta Previa/Brain Damage
- C-Section Injuries
- NEC Baby Formula
- Brain Bleed or Injury

Trusted Clients

Cases Won

Expert Lawyers

Cases Dismissed
Failure to Diagnose, Monitor, or Test
Improper Use of Anesthesia or Medicine

C-Section Mistakes
Failure to Deliver In a Timely Manner
Lack of Oxygen
Misuse of Forceps or Vacuum
Common Causes of Child Brain Injuries
- Birth: Medical malpractice/negligence
- Falls: playground, daycare, sports, trampoline
- Blows to the head
- Medical Conditions: meningitis, encephalitis
- Gunshot
- Pedestrian or bicycle accident
- Vehicle crash: Automobile, bus, truck, boat
- Shaken baby or child abuse
- Crib accidents
- Swimming pool accidents
- Defective products: toys, furniture, sleepers
- Exposure: carbon monoxide, smoke, chemicals
- Failure to install safety protections

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